Buffalo VA Medical Center Boiler Control Assessment

Buffalo, NY

Project Objective

The client requested a review of the boiler control panels associated with the boilers located at the Buffalo VAMC. The control panels had been installed approximately three years prior and had been modified to facilitate testing of selected safety devices as directed by the VA Steam Safety Device testing manual. These modifications were done by the maintenance personnel and were not approved by the manufacturer. In addition, various changes had been made by the manufacturer’s authorized service representative and documented on red-lined drawings. The client requested a review to determine the steps necessary to bring the testing panels up to applicable industry standards, as well as to verify that the red-lined drawings  reflected the equipment actually installed at the facility.

Encorus Group Solution

A series of on-site inspections was performed to examine the four boilers and associated control panels, wiring, and test port boxes. The wiring was compared with the red-lined drawings provided by the client. References, codes, and standards including NFPA 70, 79, 85, and 791, UL 508A, and VHA Boiler Plant Safety Device Testing Manual were used. Based on these findings, Encorus updated the control drawings for all boilers to as-built conditions.

Specific Project Tasks

  • On-site inspections to examine boilers, control panels, wiring, and test port boxes
  • Review of red-lined drawings to verify that they accurately reflect what is actually installed at the facility
  • Updating of control drawings to reflect as-built conditions for all boilers
  • Examination of test port boxes to determine their suitability for use
  • Notation of code compliance concerns in a report to the client
  • Performance of a Hazard of Operations Review, which identifies a hazard, its possible cause, possible consequences, existing safeguards, and recommended actions for its reconciliation